I’m a human, and just like you, I make mistakes and misjudge the world around me.
For example; the other day I found myself shunning the internet sensation Spotify and basically royally dissing its integrity. As this colossal bum vomit took place in the presence of a friend, I can’t even deny that I said such hurtful things, or even glaze over the entire exchange due to the fact that said friend will defiantly pull me up on it. Anyway, this has been a useful lesson for me all the same, and now I’m thankful for having rubbished Spotify, as I have now naturally become its biggest fan.
Before you shout ‘SHEEP!’ and start manically bleating at me (Please note: This behaviour is gladly welcomed at any other time) I didn’t switch my perspective based on its quality, the hype or its credibility. No, mine was more of a spiritual conversion.
It appears that the all powerful, and the, cough cough bullshit cough, reliability of Itunes has it limits, especially when it decides to prevent you access to your own music; therefore rendering it useless. In desperation, I turned to Spotify only to learn that I had been a fool in pre-judging its angelic quality. You see, whilst mourning the death of my music collection, the mammoth craving for some classic Beastie Boys genius swept over me; a craving that was satisfied once their entire back catalogue flashed up in front of my eyes. Spotify had saved the day!
Don’t get me wrong, I still have visions of the play list generator exploding and crashing whenever one of those poorly timed, and badly constructed, arse clenching irritating adverts kick in, ruining my listening enjoyment in the same way a cute puppy jumping at your leg would become instantly annoying when disposing of a dead body. I also hate the fact that even after a couple of years into its existence, Spotify still doesn’t seem to recognise the vast amounts of fantastic music out there, take dance and electronica as a golden example, and instead fills its pages with cheap tribute albums and cack like musak. Oh the shame! But of course, this is probably just me being grossly unfair, and I should really understand that it is a young website, and still has great potential and will one day take over the world.
I’ve also learnt that Spotify brings people together in a heavenly manner through the very fabric of the play lists. Friends can exchange their favourite music with each other, and showcase what they believe to be pure gems, nestling sweetly amongst a host of songs that have moulded their world in some way. A great example of this is the daily instalments of Spotisfaction: Mix tapes for the 21st Century (http://spotisfaction.tumblr.com/) , which does just this, and is also a great source of music that the average Joe like myself may never have heard of, and can now not live without. If there really is a Spotify revolution on the horizon, then ideas like this are definitely flying the flag.
I was a dahm imbecile to make such wild accusations, and shun one of the best things on the internet, besides porn, so quickly. Spotify was there for me when I was let down by a dear friend, and for that, I shall always love it! Fuck you Itunes!
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