Tuesday, 9 July 2013

SPARE PARTS: The Story.............

..................Ok, so I haven't exactly written anything on here for a while.
To tell the truth, I've been moving to and from new locations and have been without the Internet for brief spells. Well, that and the fact that I've clearly had nothing to write about. Don't get me wrong, I've heard a bunch of great albums and seen a bunch of great films etc, but have lacked in motivation and drive to commit them to words.  So, I've bitched and moaned about all of that, to my friends, instead of on here.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, it appears that these days, I can only be moved to express my thoughts when the shit hits the fan!

Great story alert - - So, we had a house inspection, where it was suggested that in order for the property to be more desirable, I should downsize my Cd's and DVDs. This cut deep, but I feel that I handled it well (the contractors remains are yet to be found) and agreed to actively reduce my respective collections for the greater good (the greater good....)

This is a big deal for me! I've spent years building my Manhattenesque towers of music and film in all of my bedrooms and have enjoyed watching, listening and generally staring longingly at my collection. Anyway, like any long relationship based purely on passion, I must grow up and learn to let go.................but not until after one final fling!

I have separated both my Cd's and DVDs into two piles; 'to keep' and 'to give up'. However, it is the elusive third pile which intrigues me the most, 'the final fling' pile.  This pile represents those Cd's/ DVDs that I haven't given much of a shit about over the years, and passed a fleeting judgement to after only one listen/ viewing.

Therefore, I plan to work my way through each of the items in this pile and give them only final chance; a wild card penalty shootout opportunity to prove their worth.  If worthy of my praise and respect, they shall be kept.  However, if they really have been a waste of my time and money, and storage, they shall be shunned and banished. Seems only fair.

Anyway, I thought it only fair to air my baseless opinions and decisions on here, as I rifle through this collection of respected artists work.

I plan to whip them up here regularly, so keep your eyes peeled and feel free to object/ comment/ bitch at me for my decisions and that.

Enjoy my journey through my CD and DVD collection (alternatively, laugh and judge me for wasting valuable time on sitting by myself in my bedroom instead of advancing my life somehow) Either way, its a fuck tonne better than Hollyoaks!!!


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