Tuesday 21 July 2009

The 'second chancers degree'.........

Now and again I find myself blissfully remenicising about a time about 3 years ago when the sun always seemed to be shineing. I was fresh out of college, had a bit of money saved up from my weekend job at Waitrose and was about to embark upon what I believed would be a whirlwind three year univeristy course studying philosophy. However, little did I know that when the course came to a schreeching halt I would feel as if I had been cast aside like a soggy tissue pinned to the head of an unwanted pet. You see, when you start the course the lecturers are all "Don't worry, its a great degree to have" and "future employers will regard the degree highly. It will open many doors" which I now, of course, beleive to be bollocks.
Don't get me wrong, univeristy and the philosophy course were great, and I would love to do it all again. But thats just it. I would love to do it all again so that I could attempt to steer my life into a more productive and eventful direction, rather than its current mundane drudgery where every penny is being saved for a tin of beans, and everyday is spent working so that I can generate anough cash to afford said beans, and the occasional pack of chicken noodles. Still, at least I've still got my health....well not for long it would seem with all these evil pig shaped flu bastards that float through the air planning thier attack when I show any sign of low immunity.
So thats why I'm proposing all univeristies offer a supplimentory degree course which allows you to effectivly 're-do' your degree, or another of your chosing just so you can see how you'd favour at the end of it. It could be a kind of 'second chancers degree' or 're-degree' which would be completly free, and would give you a whole three more years to properly establish yourself in the world, meet new people, and really re-ignite that alchoholic spat you developed so skillfully. Either that, or each univeristy should offer you in a red or blue pill scenario, some kind of 'time travel option' which allows you to immediatly be transported back to the start of your three years whenever you begin to doubt your choice. This would surely be ideal as you could do it over and over again until perfection and job satisfaction was achieved. But why stop there? You could use this advantage to take you back to those sunny days before university where you had that whole money swallowing, drunken waste of time experience ahead of you, and decide to take a gap year instead.
Maybe thats the answer! Maybe I should stop wallowing in self pity and apply my ideas and analytical skills to the world of science where I can construct and pioneer my time traveling, degree jumping device. Or maybe I should stop watching Back To The Future and go out and get a proper job. Because where I'm going, I don't need roads...........! Ben Hawling

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